Cover Art


Your book will be printed with a wraparound color cover. This gives you several choices. You can provide:

  • one large piece of art which will flow from the front cover to the back
  • two separate pieces of art, one for each cover
  • one piece of art for the front cover, and we will run an ad on the back cover (for Jarlidium or the printer, at our discretion)


If you don't have any large color art related to the strip, we can work with you to produce a collage of strips or some other graphic design.


 The cover should be PG at most: cheesecake is fine but no nudity.


The front cover should have enough dead space for the series logo, the strip title and your name, and the Jarlidium logo/price box (which includes the mature-readers/adults-only label, if required). This dead space doesn't have to be empty, it's just that what whatever is there will get covered up so it should be unimportant. These elements normally appear at the top of the cover but can be moved if that produces a better layout.


Introduction or Bio


The inside front cover is your page to talk about your art or webcomic. An introduction or your bio is one possibility, but you're welcome to write about something else if you like. You are also welcome to plug your website, your art, or anything you may be selling. If you have any art which could be used as a frame or a background or accompaniment to the text, feel free to provide that as well.




You have 24 (or 28 or 32) pages to fill. If you provide art for the back cover, we can fill one page with a Jarlidium ad if needed.


Inside Back Cover


Normally we run a Jarlidium ad here, but we can skip that if you have an additional page of content to go in this space.


Jarlidium Press can be reached at:

Postal: Jarlidium Press, 14150 NE 20th St, STE F1 PMB 123, Bellevue WA 98007, USA.

Website copyright 2019 Jarlidium Press